The kind of care your equine and canine friends deserve.
During a typical treatment I employ the full Chiropractic protocol, assessing the movement of every joint (spinal, limb, TMJ) that can be touched in my endeavor to address the primary as well as compensatory conditions. Additionally, my equine treatments utilize The Masterson Method.
I’m often asked “How do I know that my animal needs your care?” Most commonly you’ll see obvious pain resulting from a specific movement or even, not noting pain, a negative change in attitude, disposition, or motivation. Your dog may not be the hard charger these days when chasing a ball. Your horse may not be taking a lead, have impaired side-bending, be “cinchy”, or threaten to buck when asked to turn or change gait. This being said, Chiropractic and/or the Masterson Method can also be employed as powerful maintenance and preventative health care options for an animal not displaying a problem.
Lee Lofgren is a Doctor of Chiropractic based in Lander WY, licensed in the care of humans and has had extensive training in the field of Animal Chiropractic. Dr. Lofgren is not a Veterinarian and therefore defers to the Veterinarian’s judgement and expertise for primary Veterinary care such as diagnosis, pharmaceutical, nutritional, and surgical interventions.